When entering or driving your Vehicle:
Have your key ready, but not visible
Check the outside and inside of the vehicle before unlocking
Know the way to your destination
Always drive with your windows up and doors locked
Never open your vehicle window or door for a stranger
If approached by someone suspicious, sound your hooter and drive off if possible.
When dropping someone at their car, make sure they are safely inside before driving off
Avoid driving through high crime or unfamiliar areas
Avoid driving at night or when the roads are quiet
Drive in the centre lane away from pedestrians where possible
At intersections, stop at least 5m from the car in front in case you need to
make a quick getaway.
If possible, never drive alone.
NEVER pick up hitch-hikers.
Vary your routes.
At your destination:
Turn off your radio when you’re 2 km from home so you can pay more attention to your environment.
Look out for suspicious vehicles or persons near your destination
Check your rear-view mirror before parking
Be aware of places a hijacker might hide
Keep your parking area well-lit at night. Have someone meet you at the gate if you arrive home after dark
Be conscious of your surroundings when sitting in a parked car. Avoid sleeping in a stationary vehicle.
Know your environment:
Report suspicious characters to the SAPS or ADT
Make a mental note of any police stations in the area
Be on the alert and keep a lookout for possible escape routes and safe refuge.
Always carry your ID book, driver’s licence and a pen and notepad
Check that your mirrors give you an all-round view
Don’t be fooled by:
Suspicious appeals for help.
“Accidents” such as having you car rammed from behind.
Your electric gates being jammed
How to respond if hijacked:
If a robber confronts you, put up your hands immediately
Stay calm, listen to the attacker and obey commands
Don’t look your attacker in the eye
Without making it obvious, try to note identifiable characteristics
If you are kidnapped, co-operate fully
Don’t throw your keys away. It will just make your attacker angry
If there is a baby in the car, tell him. Ask him to bring the child to you. Do not move towards the car
If you lie face down outside the car he might not force you to get back